3 Steps Holding You Back From Remote Work On Your Own Time
Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about breaking free from your office cubicle and creating a life where work fits your priorities instead of the other way around? Where you are free to have remote work on your own time?
Friend, I’m here to tell you that becoming a virtual assistant might be exactly the path you’re looking for!
After 20+ years in the corporate world, I took the leap to work as a virtual assistant from home, and it completely transformed my relationship with work and life. Today, I want to dig a little deeper than just the tactical how-tos and talk about whether you’re mentally ready to embrace remote work on your own time.
Are You Mentally Ready to “Do Your Own Thing”?
Let me share a quick story that changed my perspective on independence. When my youngest daughter was three, she would constantly tell me, “I do it my own self!” Whether it was tying her shoes or getting dressed for school, she insisted on doing everything independently – which, I’ll admit, drove me crazy at the time!
But now? I admire that spirit of determination. That “I’ll do it myself” attitude is exactly what you need when transitioning to work as a virtual assistant.
Working remotely is a whole different ball game than showing up at an office where you clock in at 8 AM, leave at 5 PM, and have a boss directing your every move. When you choose remote work on your own time, you become totally responsible for your success – and you need to be mentally prepared for that reality.
Sound amazing?
Then you are definitely ready to have some remote work on your own time.
But if you’ve been thinking about it for a while and still not sure…
What Might Be Holding You Back?
1. The Fear Factor
Let’s get real about the fears that might be keeping you tethered to your office job:
Fear of Failure
Nobody wants to leave a position they’re good at, only to fall flat on their face and have to crawl back to an office job. That fear of failure can be paralyzing!
But remember – failure is just feedback on your path to creating the life you truly want.
Fear of the Unknown
I’ll be vulnerable with you for a moment. As a Christian who prays daily, one of my biggest struggles is wanting to know what the future holds.
The unknown elements of building a VA business – Will I find clients?
Can I replace my steady income? – can feel overwhelming.
But here’s the truth: no one knows what tomorrow holds, whether you’re working in an office or from your kitchen table.
Embracing uncertainty is part of any worthwhile journey.
Fear of What Others Think
We worry about what people will say when we walk away from a traditional career after 20 or 30 years.
Will they think we’re crazy?
Too old?
In over our heads?
Here’s something liberating I’ve learned: people aren’t thinking about your career choices nearly as much as you imagine.
They’re wrapped up in their own lives!
Once you release the fear of others’ opinions, you open yourself to incredible possibilities.
2. The “Too Many People Depend on Me” Myth
When I first considered leaving my office job, I worried about how it would affect everyone around me.
Would my coworkers know how to function without me?
Would my husband resent me being home all day?
Would my friendships suffer?
The reality was completely opposite of what I feared.
Without a draining commute and rigid schedule, I was actually able to be more present for the people in my life.
My relationships grew stronger, not weaker.
Remote work on your own time allows you to structure your days around what matters most.
You can schedule client work around your child’s school events or your friend’s doctor appointment.
You’re not rushing through a one-hour lunch break trying to cram in all your errands.
3. The “It’s Too Late” Mindset
If there’s one lie I want you to stop believing today, it’s that you’re too old or it’s too late to make this change.
Whether you’re 25 or 65, it is NEVER too late to pursue work that fulfills you and gives you the lifestyle you desire.
Think about it – if today is “too late,” then what does that say about tomorrow?
As long as you’re here, it’s not too late to reinvent yourself and build a business that brings you joy and freedom.
How to Know If You’re Ready to Work as a Virtual Assistant and Have Remote Work On Your Own Time
You’re ready for remote work on your own time if:
- You value flexibility and independence more than the security of a predictable paycheck
- You’re willing to push through discomfort and learn new skills
- You can motivate yourself without external pressure from a boss
- You desire deeper connections with the people in your life
- You’re ready to take ownership of your schedule and your success
The First Step to Your Virtual Assistant Journey
Before you can implement all the tactical steps of building a VA business, you need to get your mind right.
You need to believe that you CAN do this, that it’s NOT too late, and that you DESERVE the freedom of a location-independent career.
Once your mindset is aligned with your goals, the practical steps will flow much more easily. You’ll approach learning new skills, finding clients, and setting your rates with confidence rather than fear.
Ready to Take the Leap?
If you’re feeling called to explore remote work on your own time as a virtual assistant, I’ve created a free guide that will help you:
- Discover what services you want to offer
- Find potential clients and job opportunities
- Determine your income needs
- Optimize your social profiles to attract clients
- And much more!
You can download it here.
Remember, sweet friend, you weren’t put on this planet to spend your days staring at the same office walls.
You were created for purpose, fulfillment, and joy – and working as a virtual assistant might just be the vehicle to help you experience all three.
It’s not too late to do your own thing.
I believe in you, and I’m here to help you every step of the way