Stephanie Brodt
How To Know If You Can Find Work (You’re Good At) As a Virtual Assistant

How To Know If You Can Find Work (You’re Good At) As a Virtual Assistant

Do you want to know if you can find work (you’re good at) as a Virtual Assistant?

Not sure how?

You’ve heard about working as a Virtual Assistant but not sure if you can? (By the way, you might be more prepared than you think!)

Because the Virtual Assistant industry is so varied, I would say that almost anyone could work in the field!

Go ahead and download my free guide “Ultimate Work as a VA Starter Checklist” and see what it entails.

Work That a Virtual Assistant Can Take Care Of:

  1. Transcription
  2. Calendar Management
  3. Travel Planning
  4. Email Management
  5. Social Media (posting, graphics, advertising)
  6. Customer Service
  7. Meeting Minutes
  8. PowerPoint Presentations
  9. Research
  10. Receptionist Duties
  11. Most anything that is done by an “in-person” Administrative Assistant can be done by a Virtual Assistant!

As you can see, there are TONS of ways to find work (you’re good at) as a Virtual Assistant. If you have a desire to work from home and can do any one of these tasks, you can most likely find work.

Improve Your Skills – Increase Your Pay:

Of course, as with everything, the more difficult the task and the better you are at it, the more money you can make.

You can start out with easier tasks until you get your feet wet then work your way to more difficult tasks and more responsibilities.

You can work as a VA while you hold a full-time job if you like.

And, if you like, you can eventually, leave your full-time job and work as many hours as you want as a Virtual Assistant!

Here Are Some Great Sites to Find Virtual Assistant Jobs:

It may be time to truly think about doing your own thing!

If you think you’re ready to find work from home online, let me help you with that!

Hope to talk soon!


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