Were you “let go” – or fired or displaced – after 50?

Does it even matter what they called it? It probably hurt regardless.

Well…yes and no.

There are several differences between being “let go,” being fired, or even being displaced.

For instance, there could be severance pay included in certain situations, as well as termination packages with tremendous value that go along with particular titles.

And, of course, pride plays a part in all of this. Being fired usually means something more negative happened than being “let go,” so pride takes a hit with some terms more than it does with others.

So, yes, the name they call it can affect you greatly; hence, it does matter. But ultimately, the end result is the same. You are no longer working with that company.

The big question is – what now?

We all know there will be trials that go along with being “let go.” Some more major than others. And they are real and important and often life-changing.

How Should You Handle a Layoff?

In my humble opinion, there can be blessings as well (albeit not so clear at first.)

Here are 3 things you need to know about being “let go” after 50.


It Hurts a Lot…at First

It hurts because you are experiencing loss. Over the years you have built relationships with your co-workers and you know those relationships will be altered in some way.

Many people identify with their job, so when you’re laid off, it’s no wonder that you feel a loss of identity and reputation. Who are you now?

When it comes to the money issue, there’s no way around it – the loss of income is huge. You need it, and you were used to getting it regularly.

Finally, you had routine. You knew where you were going each day. You knew what you were doing. The routine was comforting as it organized and filled your days.


It Can Be a Great Time for Reflection

However, this can be a great time to evaluate your life. Just ask yourself this series of questions:

  1. Were you really happy? Not just with that particular job but with the way your life was moving along. Was it fulfilling? Did the job fit well with your life and family?
  2. If you find another job and this happens again, what will you do? Can you better prepare yourself – both mentally and financially? What about a back-up plan?
  3. Is this the path you want to stay on? Was your last job the same as when you started? Or had it morphed into something else? Did you like what it was at the moment? Or did you really hate it? Do you want to look for the same type of work somewhere else?

Could you make changes now? Is there a type of job or location that might work better for you at this stage of life? You’ve changed and may well be a different person than you were when you started this job.


It Forces You to Take Action

When you’ve been in a job for several years, it can become so routine, so comfortable, that you don’t even think about any other way of working or living. But when you’ve been “let go”, you are forced to at look at your life and take some type of action.

You will have to decide if you:

Whatever happens, there will be changes – that’s for sure. You may not have chosen to be “let go,” but you DO get to choose what happens next. You need to know that being “let go” does not have to be the end of the world.

Actually, being “let go” could just be the beginning of a new, improved, and wonderful you!

That’s how it happened for me. I was “let go” at the age of 48, and it turned out to be the greatest blessing in disguise. I now work virtually from anywhere I want during the hours I choose to work. You can work virtually too – no matter your age…and I’d be more than thrilled to show you how.


Have you been “let go”? How did you respond? If you are “let go” in the future, how will you respond? What changes do you want to make in your life?