Stephanie Brodt
Are You Missing Out with No “Word” For The Year?

Are You Missing Out with No “Word” For The Year?

Do You Have a “Word” for the Year?

If not, you could be missing out.

I’ve never done this before, but this year my New Year’s resolution was to have a “word” for the year.

What does having a “word” mean?

It means you have a word that you will keep in the front of your mind all year. A word that you want to either encourage you or motivate you or maybe even scare you a little.

Nope, I have never done this before.

But, I started paying attention to others that did.

Jon Gordon even wrote a book, called (you guessed it) “One Word“. I haven’t read it yet but I plan on reading it soon.

If others do it and have the kind of success I want, then I am paying attention.

I decided to have a “word” for the year as well.

Before I tell you my word, let me explain how I’m using it:

  1. I have it written where I see it every day.
  2. I then remember why I chose that particular word.
  3. Then with that, I follow through on what the word represents for me.
  4. It keeps me moving forward.
  5. It keeps me clear.

Choosing a word is being intentional about your future. (Another post I wrote about being intentional about your future is titled, You Get To Choose – Make It Count!

If you want to be really intentional about your future, go ahead and download my free guide “How To Exit The 9-5 And Work From Where You Want.

Your “word” for the year can be anything.

The word can be FOR any part of your life – personal, business, spiritual, emotional, intellectual.


But it should be something that is important TO YOU!

And, it should be a word that MOVES you.

It should NOT be a word that sounds good because others have used it.

Or one that is really lofty but doesn’t make you feel anything.

You should FEEL something when you see it.

You should FEEL something when you say it out loud. (Which I do from time to time. Really helps me!)

So, how might you be missing out by not choosing a “word?”

Well, you won’t fail at anything because, after all, there are lots of people that don’t have a word and they do just fine, but …

If you find that year after year there is something (or maybe more than one thing) that you wanted to do or do differently and you somehow never got it done – having a word to keep you moving forward might be just the kick in the pants you need.

The days can get very busy and crowded. Goals and desires you had on January 1st are sure to become a distant memory.

But if you have a word that you see every morning that REMINDS you of what you want to happen:

  • that memory comes up throughout the day.
  • you start to move towards it more often.
  • you make choices that get you closer.

Without that word, you soon forget why that resolution was even important.

You quickly lose the dream.

Not having a word could cost you a dream.


I think it’s that important.

I actually picked my word at the first of December, so I’m a month into using it already.

Guess what?

It has already made a difference in my life.

I’m hitting goals I’ve had for months and hitting them in one month because I’m reminded each day why and what is important.

What’s my “word” for the year?

My word for the year 2019 is FOCUS.

And that’s exactly what I’m doing each and every day.

FOCUS is helping me to stop multitasking.

FOCUS is helping me finish projects.

I am reminded to be more purposeful in my tasks and actions.

I’m loving it!

Do you want to try It too?

February would be a great month to pick your word for 2019.

Good luck!

Ps. If you already have a word for 2019 or have decided to choose one, would you let me know what it is? Just send me a comment on my Facebook page here, and let me know. I’d love to hear it!

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